City council again discussed implementing a designated truck route (DTR) in Thunder Bay.
The decision to establish a DTR was ratified by council in Mar. 2019. Since then, two iterations of the by-law to follow through with this have been voted down at city council.
The discussion was reignited at Monday night’s affair, with a report being put forward by administration. It concluded by again recommending Thunder Bay follow one of the options related to the previous decisions to implement a DTR.
At-Large Councillor Trevor Giertuga has been a massive advocate for this project, and explained that this is a crucial safety concern.
“I’m sure most people have seen the accidents, the accident at Sistonen’s Corner, the near miss at Sistonen’s Corner, and again the accident with three transports on 102,” said Coun. Giertuga. “There’s been so many deaths on Dawson Road, and we have administration who is telling us the safer route is the designated truck route.”
Coun. Giertuga went on to read out an email from a concerned citizen who unfortunately was at the scene of the Sunday crash on 102. They too were stressing the importance of going forward with a DTR.
The by-law itself could be altered in the future, which could include changes such as where the route would be or what sized vehicles would be effected. Previous routes that have been considered include Dawson Road and Arthur Street.
“I don’t know if other members of council have been affected by what happens on 102 or Dawson as much as I have, I think about it all the time,” explained Neebing Ward Councillor Cody Fraser . “I think about it because the designated truck route in it’s present configuration including Arthur Street may have been a catalyst for individuals to vote against the bylaw. If a material change would be eliminating Arthur Street from the equation, I would be willing to do that.”
Coun. Fraser went on to say if an alteration to the bylaw would change other councillors vote for the DTR, it would be a discussion he would be interested in having.
The report brought forward to council was solely for information. Any changes to the bylaw or a decision on the DTR would occur at a future meeting.