With Thunder Bay now considered one of the leading COVID hotspots in Canada the spotlight is on what the government is doing to help.
Provincial Health Minister Christine Elliott says the province is aware of what she calls our difficult situation and they are assisting with additional supports.
“We have sent in additional case and contact managers to help support” notes the minister.
The health minister explains other public health units in the province that are not as busy with the pandemic are also providing support to the Thunder Bay District Health Unit.
She adds there has been money allotted to the Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre for additional beds in case it reaches capacity.
“We want to make sure that people if they do need to go to the hospital can be cared for locally. We don’t want to see people being shifted around across the province because the distances there are so great,” says the minister.
Elliott also acknowledged the outbreaks at the Thunder Bay District Jail and the Correctional Centre.
She notes “They are coming under control, but there still is a significant outbreak in homeless shelters and some areas of congregate living,” adding “That is another issue we are turning our attention to and providing additional supports.”
While the city has the highest number of cases per capita Elliott did not indicate directly whether Thunder Bay will get extra doses of vaccine.