Construction of the foundation for a new sports dome near Golf Links Road could start this week.
Carmen Felice will be general manager of the future Goal Sports Centre 2, and tells us they hope to have the dome ready by October or November, since they cannot wait a few years for the city’s proposed indoor turf facility.
“That’s why we are proceeding with the one dome at the beginning, and hopefully if the numbers go up, then it would only take about four months to get a second dome put up,” says Felice.
The Sports Centre’s general manager adds sports groups are losing numbers. “My fear is that if we don’t get a facility for another three years, there’s going to be a lot of financial loss for whoever decides to put one up in three years, whether that’s private or the city.”
The general manager points out they have plans for two domes, with the second to start after the first is done on the higher level area.
“There is enough on the top part of the site, for a dome that’s going to be 220 feet long, by 120 feet wide, and then there’s parking,” says Felice.
The area for the second dome still needs to cleared of brush.