Natural Resources consulting firm, KBM Resources helped to organize an in-house bottle drive in support of Shelter House.
The staff at KBM Resources Group organized the drive with their friends and family, and together they were able to raise $535 dollars.
A family member also donated their time and resources to make reusable face masks to purchase for a $10 donation each, raising an additional $120. KBM contributed the remaining amount, bringing the donation up to $2,000.
KBM chose Shelter House as the recipient for this donation because of Shelter House’s commitment to supporting the most vulnerable members of our community.
The charity provides help to those in need of shelter, food, clothing and access to resources. The money raised will go towards Shelter House’s programs and services.
Shelter House has accessed emergency funding to help off-set the increased costs related to COVID-19, to be able to support approximately 800 individuals a day.