An LCBO store in Thunder Bay. (Staff Photo)
COVID-19 is prompting the LCBO to shorten its hours.
You will only be able to shop there from 11 AM to 6 PM starting this Thursday.
The company notes anyone getting home delivery needs to follow extra rules from Canada Post, and their stores are not accepting returns at this time.
There are currently no confirmed COVID-19 cases in Thunder Bay. The Thunder Bay District Health Unit is urging you to self-isolate for 14 days if you have been out of the country. Authorities are also urging you to get your news on COVID-19 from credible news sources and that the Health Unit will be confirming any cases which show up in the district.
The Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre has implemented restrictions as well. Only one person is allowed to visit any patient at any time and that person must be designated by the patient. Everyone entering the hospital is being screened. There is also an assessment centre set up just outside the hospital’s Emergency Department.
Screening protocols are also taking place at all city-run and private long term care facilities.
How do you know if you are sick?