Rain for most of the day here in Thunder Bay which is great to make things clean and fresh… except for dogs. Not sure why but when hounds get wet they smell to high hell… most dogs don’t smell great to begin with but definitely worse when you add water. Dogs are kind of like Gremlins… you don’t want to get either wet. I have a little pooch who smells like microwaved rotten garbage wrapped in a diaper when she goes out in the rain (okay maybe not that bad) We’ve tried spraying our dog with perfume to get rid of the stink but I don’t think that is very good for them. I asked you if you had any tricks or tips to get rid of that “wet dog smell” and this is what you came up with…
Dorothy-“bye bye 2 wet dog smell… 1Tbsp of Brewers Yeast add to Dog’s food dish and poof Dog now smells “heaven scent”
Jenn-“Febreze and nose plugs.”
Douglas-“At camp our shepard got sprayed with skunk a person had a bottle of Vanilla we washed her in it after that she smelled like cake when ever wet”
Trevor-“How to get rid of a wet Dog smell? Own a cat”
Jennifer-“Tell Trevor I have 3 cats and my dogs still stink.”
Anonymous-“Your dog loves you when you smell so you should ignore the smell and love them anyway”
And of course regular caller Rick had a solution to this problem…