Lily Chouinard, right, shows off the model for her team's snow carving entry while Michel Chouinard, centre, shapes the sculpture.
If you are enjoying our waterfront this weekend, you’ll notice a number of snow sculptures.
Ten snow carving teams are competing in the annual SnowDay festivities on the holiday Monday, and Spokesperson Ash Young tells us we’ll have some out-of-town competitors.
“We have one team coming in that’s a mixture from Whitehorse and Alberta, and we also have a team coming up from Minnesota and Wisconsin. The team from Minnesota and Wisconsin actually finished second at the national snow-carving championships in the U.S. last year.”
Young tells us they went with a transportation theme this year.
“Everything from submarines to airplanes, to some less-conventional travelling, with different cartoon characters, and people and things that will be familiar to a lot of children.”
Voting on the sculptures happens during SnowDay on the waterfront.