The Ministry of Labour has ordered the City of Thunder Bay to replace the floors in jail cells at police HQ.
Police spokesperson Chris Adams tells us it comes after a ministry inspection of their facilities.
“So in conjunction with the City who after all is responsible for the maintenance of our facility. There is going to be a replacement project which will take out the old outdated tiling and replace it with a more modern material that perhaps is easier to maintain.”
1200 Balmoral was built in two stages, with the first floor being constructed in 1985 and the second floor was added in 1992.

The police spokesperson adds the floors in their jails are mostly original. Adams says their building is at an age where things like the flooring need to be addressed.
The Ministry of Labour has issued a work order with a timeline asking the City of Thunder Bay to have a plan for the project in place this fall.
Adams notes they want to see the project underway before the New Year.